Results of the Hackathon 2019 – Kicking cancer in the ass
We held our Cancer Management Hackathon under the motto „One to rule them all“ to lay the foundation for a highly patient-focused solution that helps us easily manage cancer so we can focus on what’s important: Kicking cancer in the ass.
This is from Susanna, Krebskriegerin, for you participating hackers, with Love:
With nearly 30 extremely motivated hackers in 5 teams, we have gathered great ideas and turned them into first prototypes. As a patient, I am so touched by how much effort people have put into understanding our situation and developing real help. I haven’t felt this way for a long time when it comes to making life easier for patients and their relatives.
The result was 5 concepts that not only covered basic needs such as keeping a diary, document storage, value gradients, etc., but each team had a focus that excited me.
Team Cancell
The cancell team from Drukka Digitals (they came from Hungary as a team especially for this purpose!) presented a fully functional system with user app and doctor web view in only 2 days. I especially liked the fact that the doctor also plays a role and the cooperation and also the care of the patient is thereby improved.
Download the slides from their presentation, inclugin the links to GitHub: drukka_digitals-komprimiert
Team CaPS
The CaPS team listened very carefully and provided solutions for problems in all stages of the disease. I particularly liked the approach of informing the patient about their condition, because only a well-informed patient is a mature patient and benefits best from their treatment.
Download the slides from their presentation, inclugin the links to GitHub: Team CaPS
Team cama
Team cama has created such a simple and user-friendly interface that I could have used the app even in my worst and weakest time. In addition, data security was a big issue, the sensitive health data must always be protected.
Download the slides from their presentation, inclugin the links to GitHub: > Team Cama
Team Bastion
Team Bastion (how beautiful is the logo, please?!?!) has given a lot of thought and presented a solution that also guarantees absolute data sovereignty. I also liked the diary approach of the app very much, because sometimes you have to throw up and not everyone is as old a ruckus box as I am and does it on a public blog.
Download the slides from their presentation, inclugin the links to GitHub: > Team Bastion
Team Life Quality 3
And last but not least, Team Life Quality came in high 3 with an extremely nice „happy life“ approach. Well, and you know, when it comes to quality of life and positive attitude, then I’m already there.
Download the slides from their presentation, inclugin the links to GitHub: > Team Life Quality 3
Thank you beautiful hackers for making this hackathon such a great experience! You ROCK!
And a big THANK YOU to our sponsors who enabled and supported us :